Crucial Candle Care
We have gone to great lengths to engineer our beeswax candles to burn as perfectly as possible. A little bit of quality care from you is all it takes to maximize burn times and prevent any smoking or dripping.
2” Dia. Pillars:
- Trim wick to 1/4" before each lighting.
- To avoid dripping, burn for no longer than 60 minutes at a time.
- To eliminate smoke when extinguishing the flame, use a tool to drip wax from the molten pool onto the burning wick.
3” Dia. Pillars:
- Trim wick to 1/4" before each lighting.
- To avoid tunneling, burn for at least 3 hours per burn and mold the warm sides in toward the flame. This will melt the walls, utilizing all of the available fuel, and thus extend the overall burn time.It will also raise the molten wax level, and shrink any oversized flame.
- To prevent uneven burning and potential dripping,use a metal tool to redirect a curled or angled wick to the opposite direction. To prevent wick breakage when doing this, be sure to nudge the wick below the level of the molten pool where the wick is not burned and thus stronger.
- To eliminate smoke when extinguishing the flame, use a tool to drip wax from the molten pool onto the burning wick.
4” Dia. Pillars:
- Trim wick to 1/4" before each lighting.
- To avoid tunneling, burn for at least 5 hours per burn and mold the warm sides in toward the flame. This will melt the walls, utilizing all of the available fuel, and thus extend the overall burn time. It will also raise the molten wax level, and shrink any oversized flame.
- To prevent uneven burning and potential dripping, use a metal tool to redirect a curled or angled wick to the opposite direction. To prevent wick breakage when doing this, be sure to nudge the wick below the level of the molten pool where the wick is not burned and thus stronger.
- To eliminate smoke when extinguishing the flame, use a tool to drip wax from the molten pool onto the burning wick.
- Our pure beeswax Tea Lights are designed to be burned in the cup they come in (clear or aluminum) or a similar sized heat resistant holder. Like votives, it is very important that the cup be just big enough to fit the tea light and no larger.
- To maximize overall burn time let the Tea Light burn at least 1.5 hours per burn. This will ensure all of the wax is melted and used.
- When a Tea Light is towards the end of its life let it burn till it goes out. This too will lengthen the overall burn time.
- All votives should be burned in a heat resistant container just wide enough to fit the votive and no larger. Votives are designed to spill out and develop a molten pool which fills the container. A wider container will allow the wax to spread out and go unburned, radically shortening the overall burn time.
- To remove wax, you can freeze a votive holder or heat it in an oven at no more than 160 degrees and then wipe clean with a clean rag.
- When a votive is towards the end of its life (1/2” left) let it burn till it goes out. This too will lengthen the overall burn time.
- To light a joined taper please cut the wick ¼” from the candle top and light.
- To prevent dripping, keep away from open windows, fans or excessive airflow of any kind and place your hand behind flame when blowing out.
- Another trick to prevent dripping is to NOT trim the burnt wick before each lighting! The long curled wick that you find should just be lit as is. Please note this is different than all other candle styles.
- To minimize smoking use a snuffer to extinguish flame.
- Trim the wick to ¼” before every lighting.
- To maximize burn time, allow the candle to burn until the molten pool has reached the glass wall. You can continue to burn the candle at this point.
- To prevent uneven burning, use a metal tool to redirect a curled or angled wick to the opposite direction. To prevent wick breakage when doing this, be sure to nudge the wick below the level of the molten pool where the wick is not burned and thus stronger.
- If you need to clear any leftover beeswax from your glassware before refilling or reusing, we recommend heat. Here are a couple options:
- Boiling water: pour boiling water into the warm or room temperature vessel. Allow water to cool. Wax will naturally float to the surface for easy removal.
- Hot air: If you have a heat gun, they work beautifully for warming candle wax. A strong hair blowdryer may also do the trick. Warm beeswax enough to wipe clean with a paper towel.
- Oven: You can also place our glass holders in your oven on its lowest setting for just a few minutes (please place the holder in there right away, while the oven heats up, as putting cold glass in a hot oven will cause it to crack). Wipe clean with paper towel.
- Trim the wick to ¼” before every lighting.
- To maximize burn time, allow the candle to burn until the molten pool has reached the tin wall. You can continue to burn the candle at this point.
- To prevent uneven burning, use a metal tool to redirect a curled or angled wick to the opposite direction. To prevent wick breakage when doing this, be sure to nudge the wick below the level of the molten pool where the wick is not burned and thus stronger.