The Power of Pollinators
As beeswax candlemakers, we take the health of bee populations incredibly seriously. But it's much bigger than beeswax. Our global food supply relies on honeybees and other pollinators. In fact, according to the USDA, pollinators are responsible for one in every three bites of food we eat!

[Didier Ucan tends to his family's beehives in Chuchub, Yucatán, México. Image courtesy of Heifer International.]
Because the world's honeybee populations are hurting, and because honeybees are such a boon to farmers — from increased harvests to supplemental income streams from honey and beeswax — we're proud to partner with Heifer International by donating a percentage of sales in support of their Honeybee Program.
The program, which operates all over the Americas, has already connected more than 3,500 farming families with beehives, beekeeping classes and market development for their honey, pollen and wax. Healthy hives can double fruit and vegetable yields, helping family farms feed themselves and their surrounding communities while improving the environment for everyone.
Buy a beeswax candle and help give the gift of honeybees — what could be sweeter?